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Live your best PLANTSTRONG Life.

Our purpose is to simplify the journey to a whole foods, plant-based lifestyle with a complete ecosystem of education, support, and delicious meal solutions.

About Rip Esselstyn

PLANTSTRONG founder Rip Esselstyn spent a decade as one of the premier triathletes in the world. He then joined the Austin Fire Department where he introduced his passion for a whole-food, plant-based diet to the Engine 2 Firehouse in order to rescue a firefighting brother's health. To document his success, he wrote the national bestselling book, The Engine 2 Diet, #1 NYT best-selling Plant-Strong, and The Engine 2 Seven-Day Rescue Diet book, which all show the irrefutable connection between a plant-based diet and drastically improved health. He is featured prominently in the documentary Forks Over Knives and The Game Changers, hosts the weekly PLANTSTRONG Podcast (with more than 6M downloads) and is the CEO and founder of PLANTSTRONG Foods.

What people are saying

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This program helped me tighten the screws with the lifestyle. I learned to make a plan every day, and when my plan failed, I had a backup in place. I no longer feel like I’m ‘trying plant-based’. I AM plant-based! And my doctor is blown away by my bloodwork!

— Suzanne K.

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I have only had this meal plan [for a short time] and I already love it. You guys have done a phenomenal job with this product. I have had other meal plans that send you recipes and grocery lists but they don't let you choose what you want to eat. Their lists are also not interactive like yours. Thank you for making my life easier and this diet much more manageable.

— James W.

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Joining the coaching program two years ago was one of the best decisions I’ve made. I’ve learned to do the real work in a likeminded community. Focusing on mindset, my why and building habits has been life changing. I’m learning how to survive the stuff life throws my way and not fall of the engine.

— Patti W.

What’s possible when you adopt a PLANTSTRONG lifestyle?

Blog Posts

What Rip Eats in a Day
One of the questions that people ask the most: What does Rip eat? Here is a typical day for Rip - including his favorite meals.BreakfastRip’s Big Bowl cereal has been fueling Rip for as long as he has been plant-strong! Topped with seasonal frui...
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5 Tips to Managing a House Divided
We hear you…In 2020, the #1 question we receive is: How do I make meals for my divided house? And no, we don’t mean politically divided—we mean divided in food. How do you keep the peace when members of your tribe disagree on what to eat? Here a...
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You ARE Worth This Work.
This will probably be long...but...worth it. I am what you could call a late bloomer. Or in my second season of living this amazing life. It has taken me a long time to figure out many things. I have learned A LOT of lessons along the way. Some thing...
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